My Comics Process: Table Displays

Thar's another convention on the horizon! Unfortunately, no, for me it's not MoCCA, which is this weekend in New York. I'm a bit bummed I'm not going this year, but it was too close to the one I'm going to next weekend ...


And conventions always bring up the age old question - what to pack, how to pack it, how to get it on a plane/train/car, and, ultimately, how to display it at the show. So for the next couple of posts, I'd like to dip into my past table displays at conventions, see what I've done, and dream up something new in time for Stumptown. So I present to you a photo collection of my past table displays through the years ... some got lost in the shuffle, but here are the ones I could scavenge ...


The Small Press Expo (SPX) in Maryland, 2003 - Aww, first convention!

With my pals Matt & Lauren. Not a good view of the table but aww - sentimental. No selling - just giving away free postcards alerting people to my comic, Gods & Undergrads.



The usual lamp, minicomics, and candy available. Help selling from my friend Nick Prevas!

Now there are THREE Gods & Undergrads books, minicomics, and boxes that contained buttons.


My first craft show! I added framed prints and buttons into the mix.



Again, framed prints in the mix, as well as buttons and more professional looking minicomics. On the left - the lovely Craig Bostick. On the right - Mike DiMotta!



My stuff's on the right, in front of a bored Matt. Tabling with Tim is one of my greatest convention pleasures.


Manservant Matt AND Mike DiMotta! This was the year we were blessed with the natural lighting and breeze of the airy 7th floor. Viva la Magical Airship!


A hidden Lauren ... behind a monkey purse. The table's looking pretty minimalist.

Introducing a tablecloth with a bit of a pattern.


Me and Dennis back in the Magical Airship! With oodles of Moo cards, buttons, comics - you name it!


This is when we started to get a little creative. Fake clothesline, paper lingerie. Delve into my closet of secret girl comics!



Hey look - that's Andy Perez in the background! This was my first time having a full table to myself - so my stuff looked a little sparse



Well - we're mimicing the Shake Weight commercial. Yeah. Featuring Kyle Cummings and Greg Lockard!


Tabled with/near Abby Denson, Tim Fish, and Tim Piotrowski!


Very streamlined for 3 people sharing one 1/2 table.



This time, FOUR people sharing one table!