Gods & Undergrads SALE up in here

In celebration of my webcomic Gods & Undergrads returning this month, I'm throwing a SALE PARTY and you're all invited!

Just use the coupon code CHEAPGODS to get 15% off Gods & Undergrads merch (or, really, any merch in my store) AND when you get a G&U book, I'll draw in it the Greek God of your choice!

Like this here Poseidon (who hasn't shown up in the comic ... YET) I did for a fellow reader:

So come on down to my shop and get some 15% off things! It'll help the comic and me and we'll all celebrate Greek Mythology Nerdiness together!

(psst - and if you haven't seen them, I also have a whole slew of Greek Gods inspired prints!)

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Gods & Undergrads Book 2 - Back in Stock!

That's right, Gods & Undergrads Book 2 is now back in stock!

Want to find out what happens when Lelaina really falls for Linden? Or what rage in a college undergrad whose parents happen to be Greek gods looks like? Or who the next God to arrive at Troy University is?

Here's the book in my shop - and order ANY Gods & Undergrads books now and get a sketch of the Greek God of your choice on the inside! (just don't forget to tell me which one)

Oh yeah, and I managed to get it reprinted in full color without sacrificing one of my cats. Hooray!

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Gods Sighting

One of the nerdiest things I love to do is scrutinize appearances of Greek Gods in pop culture (like this post about Disney's Hercules). Here we go on another one, yay!

LATEST POP-UP SIGHTING: Supernatural, Season 8, Episode 16!

So in this episode, Prometheus (aka the Titan who gave fire to mortals and royally pissed off Zeus) is embodied in a drifter Sam & Dean discover, who dies every day. The cause of his death is random, anywhere from cars hitting him to sudden heart attacks. This is an homage to the nature of Zeus's punishment for Prometheus in the myths, which was to strap Prometheus to a mountainside and let an eagle carve out his liver every day for a tasty snack. Every night, he would die. Every morning, he'd get resurrected just for the fun of it.

Apparently, Zeus had lost track of Prometheus and he'd fallen to earth, hence him dying by random means and not the daily eagle attack. So Zeus sent out his best assassin, a.k.a. daughter Artemis, goddess of the hunt, to go after him.

Things I liked about this portrayal of Artemis/Zeus:

  • Artemis was badass and impossible to beat in a fight
  • Sam & Dean acknowledged the fact that Artemis was THEIR goddess, since they're hunters and she's the mack daddy of ALL hunters
  • Artemis was a thinking goddess, not a one-track killing machine
  • Artemis was strong enough to take down Zeus
  • Zeus wore a classy suit and looked steely
  • Zeus respected his daughter's power

Things I didn't like:

  • The inexplicable black leather pantsuit Artemis was wearing
  • Zeus as mindless revenge seeker - I could see him going after Prometheus, but his son too? Just for the fun of it?

All in all I was happy to see them represented, as always. And props to making Artemis strong but also a thinking, feeling goddess (albeit still in a leather pantsuit). Yay!

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Book 3 Pre-Orders!

Woop! Getting all ready over here for the Gods & Undergrads book 3!!

It will be 122 pages, black and white, manga sized (that's 5 1/4" x 8"). Featuring the last two chapters of the series, sketches, plus a couple lovely fan art pieces from these cool friends/wildly talented folks:

The book will be released early September (round about the time of the Baltimore Comic Con / SPX back-to-back weekends in comics yay spectacular) BUT if you pre-order it now, you get a choice of one of three of these nifty little prints:

Each are 4" x 6", printed on Epsom Matte Ultra Premium Presentation Paper. PLUS if you pre-order, you'll get a free sketch IN the book of whoever ya want! Just drop me a line when you pre-order and tell me which print and which sketch you desire.

[button color="blue" size="medium" link="http://lipstickisspress.storenvy.com/products/2064451-gods-undergrads-book-3" target="_blank"]Pre-order HERE![/button]


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Three More Gods

As promised, here are the three latest editions to my Greek Gods series!

Hera's always a bit of a tough cookie to interpret. Wife of Zeus, mother of Hephaestus and Ares, perpetual scorned wife. Personally, I like to think of her as a dangerous multi-tasker. Sort of the ultimate conservative, political wife with the no-good but powerful husband. She's always painted (a bit unfairly) as nothing but a vengeful, jealous goddess out to punish every pretty little nymph this side of Olympus. But Hera, she's got her own thing going. She has the whole of Mount Olympus to run!

And now for her kids!

Poor Hephaestus. Judged from the start to be weak and useless, Hephaestus has proven his worth a million times over any other god on Olympus by keeping them stocked in armor and lightning bolts. Dude can make ANYTHING. Which is why, I guess as a reward, Zeus hooked him up with Aphrodite. Way to pay him a backhanded compliment, Zeus.

Because of course, here's who Aphrodite cheats on Hephaestus with ...

His brother Ares! Because what would the goddess of love be without the goddess of war? Ares has got to be the ultimate favorite child of a goddess who's constantly undermined by her husband - big, brash, ridiculously impulsive, destructive. Does it matter that he doesn't really think before he acts?

I can't wait to add more gods and goddesses! Let me know who you guys would like to see next.

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Gods & Undergrads Is Back!

Hooray! Gods & Undergrads (my weekly webcomic about a girl at college and her Greek God relatives) resumes again today! I'll be posting a page a week, every Wednesday. Today there's a special block of pages to get the engines rolling!

Click here for the latest and here for an archive of everything so far!

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Weekend Warrior

Whew! Quelle weekend! First things first - I'm starting to transition stuff over to a new Etsy store (one that has a more reasonable name than "Artemna", which is what my store is currently called), and I just placed my Mad Men Greek Myth prints up there! In a couple weeks there'll be nothing left in the Artemna shop, so come join the party over at LipsticKissPress!

I've got loads of news and updates and fun. But allow me to take a moment to gush about how wonderful all the people were who came by to stop and chat and purchase things at my table at the Baltimore Comic-Con were this weekend!

I usually don't like to harp on the fact that I'm a woman making comics (*gasp*!) but luckily for every douchebag that comes up to me and ridicules my stuff (especially Boobage - mature, right?), or asks me if I'm the comic artist's girlfriend, or just wants to take a picture with me but not read any of my stuff ... there are families, dads, moms, kids, teachers, fellow comickers, and comics fans who come by and make it all worthwhile. They tell me they identified with one of my awkward stories, enjoyed the gore of my assassin comic, or are as much of a Greek Myth nerd as I am. And that just puffs me up with happiness and makes me want to do so much more. So thanks, everyone!

The Greek God wrist cuffs were a HUGE hit, I'm so thrilled! I have more gods and designs and plans to do custom orders soon, so stay tuned!

In other upcoming news, Bonnie will resume updating next Wednesday, August 31st. Mark your calendars! And look for Gods & Undergrads to resume soon, too.

Now - on to the sketches I did this weekend!

As always, if you'd like a commissioned piece of artwork, contact me and we can chat!

Reckless Crafting

Whew! Okay, I'm finally for a follow-up post on what the heck I planned to do with all this fabric and thread and terrifying trips to Jo-Ann Fabrics.

A little while back, I created some t-shirts and prints featuring Greek Gods:

After I started running out of t-shirts, I decided I wanted to do something NEW with them. I love the idea of wearable art in general, and t-shirts are difficult for me to produce, and not a terribly fun process. I send off the images to a printer, I get back t-shirts. Ho-hum. Where's the danger? The excitement of some late night crafting?

So I brainstormed about something else people could potentially wear  ... and voila! I thought about wrist bands.

I looooooove me some wrist bands. Leather cuffs, wristbands, bracelets, what have you. So I decided to embark on an exciting sewing journey to see about turning my beloved Greek God t-shirts into wrist bands.

First, I scouted for some various types of fabrics, as I mentioned here. Then I started cutting them into the basic length and width of cuffs I already owned, so see what I'd be working with.

It became pretty clear right away that I was going to have to do something about the fraying edges. Sew around them? Seal them somehow? I didn't know. So I did a wee bit of looking around and landed on using pinking shears to texturize the edges.

OMG soooo much fun, I could cut zig-zags all day. So I ziggedy-zaggedy'd the fabric into three main layers:

  • A soft layer (the part that will be on the bottom, next to the skin)
  • A textured layer (providing some pattern, color, and sturdiness)
  • A transfer layer (the part of fabric where I've ironed on an image)

Once I had them all together, I plopped them onto my scanner. I shrunk and shifted my Greek God drawings around in Photoshop to match the general shape of the transfer layer. Then, I printed it out onto tshirt transfer paper (Avery Light Fabric Transfers, to be exact. I've liked them the best after years of trial-and-error with t-shirt transferring when I was in derby). After cutting my transfer out as close to the image as possible, I ironed it onto the cloth, and once cooled, peeled back the paper.

Now that I had the three layers the way I wanted them, I pinned them down and trimmed the edges if they were all crazy and didn't line up right (like I would ever make a mistake measuring?? Hey, it's not called "reckless crafting" for nothing).

Then I braved the ever-terrifying sewing maching. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the actual sewing process (just memories of the cursing), but I basically used a zig-zag stitch in order to mirror the zaggedy edges of each layer of fabric. I planned on using different colors of thread, but ended up sticking to a nice cerulean blue this time around (to save me time and needless thread and bobbin-switching). The sewed result looked a little something like this:

Then I had to figure out how to fasten the things onto the wrist. I decided the easiest way (or, rather, the way I could probably do successfully) would be to poke two holes on one end of the wristband for a string I could use as a loop. On the other end, I'd sew a button, so in order to fasten the wristband, you'd simply slip the loop end over the button. Unfortunately, poking holes in layers of fabric wasn't as easy as I thought it'd be, but I eventually had success with two tools:

A metal skewer thing my Mom had lying around (awl?) and a leather punching kit I bought and then realized wouldn't work at all. But, by piercing the fabric with the skewer (awl?) and stretching it out with the punch set, I was able to get the holes wide enough for my leather string.

Using fabric glue, I stuck the ends of the string to the back of the wrist band, securing it in place.

Then, I simply sewed a button to the opposite side:

And - TA DAAAAA! A wristband!

One that specifically declares to the world that I, am in fact, a Hermes. Like that tricksy god himself, I also am punctual, work out, and like playing practical jokes. Not very neat and tidy, but that's the way I like it.

As you could see in the pictures above, I've got a bunch of different sizes/styles, as well as different widths (each one also has a different button on it).

I'm debuting this latest crafting adventure at this week's Baltimore Comic-Con, exhibiting at table A-176. If you're in the area, stop by to see them in the flesh!

Otherwise, I'll be posting the remaining ones in my Etsy store, and potentially will be taking custom orders. Stay tuned! And if any of you have any crafting/fabric/sewing tips or tricks for projects like this, please post them! I'd love to learn more, now that I've tiptoed into the wild world of crafting my art ....

Orpheus and The Awkward Foot

I'm a huge fan of Greek Mythology. Somewhere around the age of 11 I got a little obsessed, when we started going over the Pantheon and which god was responsible for which cool attribute. I felt like they were divvying up superpowers. Over the years I've read about it, taken extra college courses about it, and started a comic about it. I still get a little thrill every time I see a reference to it in the real world. (Which, in the Western world, is all the time). So a couple weeks ago, when my family and I set out to Fort McHenry for some good ol' fashioned history-learnin', I was pleasantly surprised to see a giant sculpture on the front lawn of one of my old friends:

Photo grabbed from here:

This particular one is Orpheus, son of Calliope, famed for his mastery of music and poetry (superior to all mankind). I like Orpheus, I don't know much about him except for what he's famous for - his death (beautifully reference in The Sandman comics by Neil Gaiman). So it was funny to see him plunked down in the middle of a historical site, and then even funnier once I read his name - "Orpheus With The Awkward Foot".


Immediately I identified with the sculpture. Not only does it appeal to my greek myth nerdiness, but with the name, and the stance of the figure itself, I instantly formed a connection. Awkwardness is embedded in my daily life. I'm not sure why, but it's there. My limbs are so all over the place, it's hard to keep track. Besides that, I often stand a little pigeon-toed, and on skates it's much much worse (which is not good). I usually only get self-inflicted bruises, from banging my way around through the world. And here is this stunning, majestic, imposing figure, sculpted to signify pride and creativity in our country and its founding .... aaaand he's just a bit awkward.


Orpheus and The Awkward Foot

I'm a huge fan of Greek Mythology. Somewhere around the age of 11 I got a little obsessed, when we started going over the Pantheon and which god was responsible for which cool attribute. I felt like they were divvying up superpowers. Over the years I've read about it, taken extra college courses about it, and started a comic about it. I still get a little thrill every time I see a reference to it in the real world. (Which, in the Western world, is all the time). So a couple weeks ago, when my family and I set out to Fort McHenry for some good ol' fashioned history-learnin', I was pleasantly surprised to see a giant sculpture on the front lawn of one of my old friends:

Photo grabbed from here:

This particular one is Orpheus, son of Calliope, famed for his mastery of music and poetry (superior to all mankind). I like Orpheus, I don't know much about him except for what he's famous for - his death (beautifully reference in The Sandman comics by Neil Gaiman). So it was funny to see him plunked down in the middle of a historical site, and then even funnier once I read his name - "Orpheus With The Awkward Foot".


Immediately I identified with the sculpture. Not only does it appeal to my greek myth nerdiness, but with the name, and the stance of the figure itself, I instantly formed a connection. Awkwardness is embedded in my daily life. I'm not sure why, but it's there. My limbs are so all over the place, it's hard to keep track. Besides that, I often stand a little pigeon-toed, and on skates it's much much worse (which is not good). I usually only get self-inflicted bruises, from banging my way around through the world. And here is this stunning, majestic, imposing figure, sculpted to signify pride and creativity in our country and its founding .... aaaand he's just a bit awkward.
