JHU Press Catalog

I'm so excited I finally get to share this with you all!

I had the honor of being asked to do the cover and interior art for the 2016 Johns Hopkins University Press Scholarly Journals Subscription catalog, and it came out looking INCREDIBLE! Working alongside the talented Keli Strickland, she developed characters for each of the groups whose hard work goes in to putting together the journals year after year. My part was to come up with some superhero-esque personifications of each group and blend them with Keli's ideas.

Designing the different poses, outfits, and environments they flew around in was a blast. My biggest challenge was getting the cityscape of Baltimore (because I always DREAD cityscapes) to look seamless with the characters, while also being engaging and not looking like it was a struggle!

Swapping ideas with Keli (herself a comic book/superhero fan) was so much fun and I loved the idea of getting to bring a comicky project out to the academic world.

Not to mention to see THIS! My artwork, blown up all huge and pretty like!!

Here are the rest of the pages. And did you NOTICE that shiny foil treatment on the cover?? MAGIC that Keli worked really hard with the printers to get it looking spectacular!

Thanks so much, JHU Press!

Part-Time Princesses Party Preview Party YAY


I'm using Mr. Burns's phone answering technique to excitedly share with you guys that my NEW book Part-Time Princesses (penned/drawn/stressed over by me, published by the amazing Oni Press) is now in Previews for pre-ordering!

(Yes, when this comes out it WILL have a title and my name on it)

I've illustrated a comic for Oni before (Glitter Kiss by amaze-tastic Adrianne Ambrose) but THIS one will be completely my fault! My wonderful, princessy fault, all powdery because it's stuffed full of funnel cake (spoiler - it takes place in an amusement park).

If you're a comic shop, please go forth and pre-order and support! If you're not, looky - the thing I've been mysteriously alluding to (who are we kidding, complaining about the work of) is finally going to be released!

MARCH 2015. Mark it, dude!

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Book 3 Pre-Orders!

Woop! Getting all ready over here for the Gods & Undergrads book 3!!

It will be 122 pages, black and white, manga sized (that's 5 1/4" x 8"). Featuring the last two chapters of the series, sketches, plus a couple lovely fan art pieces from these cool friends/wildly talented folks:

The book will be released early September (round about the time of the Baltimore Comic Con / SPX back-to-back weekends in comics yay spectacular) BUT if you pre-order it now, you get a choice of one of three of these nifty little prints:

Each are 4" x 6", printed on Epsom Matte Ultra Premium Presentation Paper. PLUS if you pre-order, you'll get a free sketch IN the book of whoever ya want! Just drop me a line when you pre-order and tell me which print and which sketch you desire.

[button color="blue" size="medium" link="http://lipstickisspress.storenvy.com/products/2064451-gods-undergrads-book-3" target="_blank"]Pre-order HERE![/button]


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Gods & Undergrads Book 3 News!

I've mentioned before that I'm spending the month of July spiraling down the (eek, ever increasing) page count to finish up the 3rd Gods & Undergrads book. Now it looks like it really IS all coming together - heh heh, sure there wasn't any doubt - and it will be available in time for Baltimore Comic Con, SPX, all those good things. I.e. Fall time, where I for one will be happy to be done sweating and wearing shorts.

This book will contain the last 2 chapters - all about death, hanging out in bars, Hades, weird glowstick hand powers, boy trouble, and Lelaina's descent into ... well I'm not going to ruin it for you! Plus I'm going to throw in some extras at the back of the book like character sketches, inspirations, and a few guest artists, to boot!

I'm pretty excited about it so I wanted to give everyone a STAY TUNED STAY EXCITED YAY!

And once again, if you'd like a refresher to the comic without actually reading all the pages of it again, check here for the cute one-page chapter summaries. And if you DO want to read all the pages from the beginning, I've added a wee Introduction page in an attempt to organize this ginormous comic into something that makes reasonable sense.

So until then, I'll keep putting up chunks of pages every Wednesday until the STARTLING CONCLUSION. Eeeeeeeee! I'm going to come up with some fun gift to give those of you who pre-order. Stay tuned!


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It Girl Pin-Up

Recently I got to do a pin-up for It Girl and the Atomics, Round Two (here's Round One!) - the collected trade paperback by the stellar Jamie S. Rich. In stores this September!

After sketching out a couple of possible choices, I chose one with It Girl framing the picture.

I've recently switched from using a Pentel Brush Pen to a Silver Ultra Mini size 6 brush with India Ink, which so far has been an adventure. I love the skinny lines I can get with it, although so far it's taking me a lot longer to ink anything. I need to poke around and investigate what other brushes people are using with their ink to see if this really is the best one for me. Here's how the inks came out this time . . .


And the final colors!

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It Girl Pin-Up

Recently I got to do a pin-up for It Girl and the Atomics, Round Two (here's Round One!) - the collected trade paperback by the stellar Jamie S. Rich. In stores this September!

After sketching out a couple of possible choices, I chose one with It Girl framing the picture.

I've recently switched from using a Pentel Brush Pen to a Silver Ultra Mini size 6 brush with India Ink, which so far has been an adventure. I love the skinny lines I can get with it, although so far it's taking me a lot longer to ink anything. I need to poke around and investigate what other brushes people are using with their ink to see if this really is the best one for me. Here's how the inks came out this time . . .


And the final colors!

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Happy Day!

Yesterday was jam-packed with traveling back from New Orleans (more on the Wizard World New Orleans show later, I had a great time!), packing/moving more miscellaneous boxes of junk over to my new house (junk that for whatever reason I can't part with), and opening the pile of mail to find ...

Why, it's a copy of my book Glitter Kiss, written by the fabulous Adrianne Ambrose and published by the amazing Oni Press!! Hot off the presses!

I'm so excited to finally see it in print. It's a great size, and the designer did a beautiful job at putting all the pieces together. It's available for pre-order from Amazon, or it'll be out in a few weeks from your local comic store. Eeeeeee! I'm so thrilled to be part of this super cute book!

I'll stop grinning and go haul more stuff now. :)

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omg omg omg

Okay it's not here yet but it's coming soon ... my first published graphic novel, Glitter Kiss!!! Written by the lovely and talented Adrianne Ambrose, illustrated by yours truly, and published by the kick-ass folks at Oni Press!


Real cover coming soon! Eeeeeee!

Big thanks to the Comics Worth Reading peeps for a mention! I'll stop geeking out now.


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Magic Bullet #5

Hey everyone!

The latest issue of Magic Bullet, the DC metro area comics newspaper (chock full of Maryland and DC area artists) is coming out tomorrow at Big Planet Comics in College Park, Maryland! Spearheaded by Matt Dembicki, Rafer Roberts, and Andrew Cohen, the latest issue has an "end of the world" theme and looks like it'll be pretty fan-frickin-tastic.


Here's a sneak peek of my contribution:


Keep a lookout for it - it'll be in stores tomorrow! And while you're at it, check out XOC: The Journey of a Great White, Matt's book which has just been released from Oni Press! It'll get you prepped for Shark Week! Mmm ... shark week ...

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Portland for the Weekend!

Have I mentioned that I'll be exhibiting at the Stumptown Comics Fest this weekend?

My two li'l printers are hard at work right now churning out copies of my latest autobio mini-comic GO FOR THE EYES!

It's debuting at Stumptown but I'll have it for sale from my shop when I get back. 24 pages of pure awkward, undiluted self-defense! Can you dig it??

In the meantime, you can preview the comic right here.

I'll be exhibiting at table D-18, alongside the superbly talented Mike DiMotta! We'll be there with loads of smiles (and layers, probably - it's unpredictable Portland, right?) and stuff for you to look at. Come on out and visit!

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Portland for the Weekend!

Have I mentioned that I'll be exhibiting at the Stumptown Comics Fest this weekend?

My two li'l printers are hard at work right now churning out copies of my latest autobio mini-comic GO FOR THE EYES!

It's debuting at Stumptown but I'll have it for sale from my shop when I get back. 24 pages of pure awkward, undiluted self-defense! Can you dig it??

In the meantime, you can preview the comic right here.

I'll be exhibiting at table D-18, alongside the superbly talented Mike DiMotta! We'll be there with loads of smiles (and layers, probably - it's unpredictable Portland, right?) and stuff for you to look at. Come on out and visit!

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Derby + Nerds = Fabulous!

Okay I have to take a break from the regularly scheduled griping about learning how to play roller derby to mention .... ... That Oni Press's Derby Anthology, JAM! is out in stores today!!! Woop woop! Written by rollergirls, drawn by comickers, it's the perfect blend of everything ... well, that I've ever wanted!

Comic lovers - Get out there and hug a derby girl!

Derby girls - We've conquered another media outlet!

I have a l'il eight page story in the book about when I was first learning how to skate  ... (which was seriously not that long ago ... we're talking end of 2008 - eek!) It's crazy to think how much has happened since then. Rest assured I still feel awkward, still make shrill bird noises when I fall, and still wonder what the hell I think I'm doing out there. But now I feel a part of this world and no longer on my tippy toes, craning to get a look inside. Yay!

Derby + Nerds = Fabulous!

Okay I have to take a break from the regularly scheduled griping about learning how to play roller derby to mention .... ... That Oni Press's Derby Anthology, JAM! is out in stores today!!! Woop woop! Written by rollergirls, drawn by comickers, it's the perfect blend of everything ... well, that I've ever wanted!

Comic lovers - Get out there and hug a derby girl!

Derby girls - We've conquered another media outlet!

I have a l'il eight page story in the book about when I was first learning how to skate  ... (which was seriously not that long ago ... we're talking end of 2008 - eek!) It's crazy to think how much has happened since then. Rest assured I still feel awkward, still make shrill bird noises when I fall, and still wonder what the hell I think I'm doing out there. But now I feel a part of this world and no longer on my tippy toes, craning to get a look inside. Yay!