It's almost time for one of my favorite crazy big super shows - Emerald City Comic Con! I'll be at Table M-05, which if you were there last year, is the same spot, hooray! (Click the map to see an enlarged version)
That's right, it's happening next weekend, and besides the fact that it's always a super fun show for me .... this year it'll be EXTRA out of control because it coincides with the release of my new book Part-Time Princesses!

So to celebrate, I'll have these limited edition (limited edition because I had no clue how many to print and guessed at a tiny number) posters for sale at my table to commemorate this occasion!

So if you're at ECCC, come say hello and get yourself a poster and it will make my 2015. It will MAKE IT! And if you're NOT at ECCC, please go get my book when it comes out on Wednesday, March 25th! I'll be about to leave for Seattle but not quite, so I'm going to have a private, somber solo book release party. With my cats. My cats better come, the ungrateful jerks ...