Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #631

In case you were wondering WHERE THE HELL BONNIE HAS BEEN, she’s actually moved over to my Patreon page, where we’re currently on strip #726! (this strip was originally published there August of 2021) Subscribing at the $2 Level gets you one new strip a week (newer than the ones posted here!) but the $5 Level is where the magic happens - there you get all the latest strips PLUS PDF bundles of all the strips you missed (plus wallpaper, pinups, and more comics!). It’s a great way to get all caught up with Bonnie and the gang - SO MANY ANTICS!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #630

The whole time I worked on this script, I just kept replaying Rhys Darby saying "DO THE BREATHING!". What sort of antics can a Baby Werewolf and his imaginary Wolf Persona get into together??

In case you were wondering WHERE THE HELL BONNIE HAS BEEN, she’s actually moved over to my Patreon page, where we’re currently on strip #722! (this strip was originally published there August of 2021) Subscribing at the $2 Level gets you one new strip a week (newer than the ones posted here!) but the $5 Level is where the magic happens - there you get all the latest strips PLUS PDF bundles of all the strips you missed (plus wallpaper, pinups, and more comics!). It’s a great way to get all caught up with Bonnie and the gang - SO MANY ANTICS!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #629

Bonnie's Mirror Chats make about as much sense to her as they would to anyone who overheard - zilcho! Also, who else forgot that Bonnie has a roommate?? I sure did!

In case you were wondering WHERE THE HELL BONNIE HAS BEEN, she’s actually moved over to my Patreon page, where we’re currently on strip #717! (this strip was originally published there July of 2021) Subscribing at the $2 Level gets you one new strip a week (newer than the ones posted here!) but the $5 Level is where the magic happens - there you get all the latest strips PLUS PDF bundles of all the strips you missed (plus wallpaper, pinups, and more comics!). It’s a great way to get all caught up with Bonnie and the gang - SO MANY ANTICS!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #628

When I was writing the "BOOP"s in this strip it reminded me of this Seth Rogan movie I saw on a plane recently where he played a programmer that invented an app called BOOPBOP. He also played his own great-grandfather in the movie who gets preserved in a pickle vat and reanimated in modern times -- go check it out, it's wild! (I swear I didn't make this movie up in a fit of Flying Anxiety)

In case you were wondering WHERE THE HELL BONNIE HAS BEEN, she’s actually moved over to my Patreon page, where we’re currently on strip #713! (this strip was originally published there July of 2021) Subscribing at the $2 Level gets you one new strip a week (newer than the ones posted here!) but the $5 Level is where the magic happens - there you get all the latest strips PLUS PDF bundles of all the strips you missed (plus wallpaper, pinups, and more comics!). It’s a great way to get all caught up with Bonnie and the gang - SO MANY ANTICS!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #627

Admitting you have a problem (with each other) is the first step, right?

In case you were wondering WHERE THE HELL BONNIE HAS BEEN, she’s actually moved over to my Patreon page, where we’re currently on strip #712! (this strip was originally published there July of 2021) Subscribing at the $2 Level gets you one new strip a week (newer than the ones posted here!) but the $5 Level is where the magic happens - there you get all the latest strips PLUS PDF bundles of all the strips you missed (plus wallpaper, pinups, and more comics!). It’s a great way to get all caught up with Bonnie and the gang - SO MANY ANTICS!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #626

Slam's not very good at reading the room when he's spilling his feelings.

In case you were wondering WHERE THE HELL BONNIE HAS BEEN, she’s actually moved over to my Patreon page, where we’re currently on strip #709! (this strip was originally published there July of 2021) Subscribing at the $2 Level gets you one new strip a week (newer than the ones posted here!) but the $5 Level is where the magic happens - there you get all the latest strips PLUS PDF bundles of all the strips you missed (plus wallpaper, pinups, and more comics!). It’s a great way to get all caught up with Bonnie and the gang - SO MANY ANTICS!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #624

What's y'all's opinion on magic (or MAGICK for mah fellow nerds out there)? I got really into reading up on it when I was going through chemo a couple years ago. I guess something about making intentional actions appreciating the natural earth and moon cycles was super appealing to me at a time when I was being pumped full of chemicals and surrounded by sterile manmade environments - GO FIGURE, lol.


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #623

Oh, Fran's got some stories, y'all! And I think a ritual cleansing of all the toxic peeps in our lives is a completely understandable way to spend your evening. Hello, catharsis!

In case you were wondering WHERE THE HELL BONNIE HAS BEEN, she’s actually moved over to my Patreon page, where we’re currently on strip #703! (this strip was originally published there June of 2021) Subscribing at the $2 Level gets you one new strip a week (newer than the ones posted here!) but the $5 Level is where the magic happens - there you get all the latest strips PLUS PDF bundles of all the strips you missed (plus wallpaper, pinups, and more comics!). It’s a great way to get all caught up with Bonnie and the gang - SO MANY ANTICS!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #618

It's the worst when all it takes is a fun date to trigger the dreaded Commitment Phobia! Oh, and Mimi's inner critic just happens to wear a lab coat and protective eye wear, because she is ALL business.

In case you were wondering WHERE THE HELL BONNIE HAS BEEN, she’s actually moved over to my Patreon page, where we’re currently on strip #699! (this strip was originally published there April of 2021) Subscribing at the $2 Level gets you one new strip a week (newer than the ones posted here!) but the $5 Level is where the magic happens - there you get all the latest strips PLUS PDF bundles of all the strips you missed (plus wallpaper, pinups, and more comics!). It’s a great way to get all caught up with Bonnie and the gang - SO MANY ANTICS!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #617

Mimi's a very quick problem solver. ;)

In case you were wondering WHERE THE HELL BONNIE HAS BEEN, she’s actually moved over to my Patreon page, where we’re currently on strip #699! (this strip was originally published there April of 2021) Subscribing at the $2 Level gets you one new strip a week (newer than the ones posted here!) but the $5 Level is where the magic happens - there you get all the latest strips PLUS PDF bundles of all the strips you missed (plus wallpaper, pinups, and more comics!). It’s a great way to get all caught up with Bonnie and the gang - SO MANY ANTICS!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #616

Let's be honest, who wouldn't want to date a sexy scientist who hits people on roller-skates?

In case you were wondering WHERE THE HELL BONNIE HAS BEEN, she’s actually moved over to my Patreon page, where we’re currently on strip #698! (this strip was originally published there April of 2021) Subscribing at the $2 Level gets you one new strip a week (newer than the ones posted here!) but the $5 Level is where the magic happens - there you get all the latest strips PLUS PDF bundles of all the strips you missed (plus wallpaper, pinups, and more comics!). It’s a great way to get all caught up with Bonnie and the gang - SO MANY ANTICS!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #615

It's always fun to throw in an STI joke on a first date, right?

HEY EVERYONE there’s a prints sale going on until Nov. 30th, after which I won’t be able to fill any more orders before Christmas, so git while the gittin’s good! Check out my Etsy Shop for all the choices!

In case you were wondering WHERE THE HELL BONNIE HAS BEEN, she’s actually moved over to my Patreon page, where we’re currently on strip #697! (this strip was originally published there April of 2021) Subscribing at the $2 Level gets you one new strip a week (newer than the ones posted here!) but the $5 Level is where the magic happens - there you get all the latest strips PLUS PDF bundles of all the strips you missed (plus wallpaper, pinups, and more comics!). It’s a great way to get all caught up with Bonnie and the gang - SO MANY ANTICS!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #614

Age Reveal! This was something our Mimi was worried about a while ago ...

HEY EVERYONE there’s a prints sale going on until Nov. 30th, after which I won’t be able to fill any more orders before Christmas, so git while the gittin’s good! Check out my Etsy Shop for all the choices!

In case you were wondering WHERE THE HELL BONNIE HAS BEEN, she’s actually moved over to my Patreon page, where we’re currently on strip #696! (this strip was originally published there April of 2021) Subscribing at the $2 Level gets you one new strip a week (newer than the ones posted here!) but the $5 Level is where the magic happens - there you get all the latest strips PLUS PDF bundles of all the strips you missed (plus wallpaper, pinups, and more comics!). It’s a great way to get all caught up with Bonnie and the gang - SO MANY ANTICS!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #613

This is what happens when two sexy scientists go out on a date, right? Oh and I KNOW we’re all super thrilled to hear more about social media stuff (insert snort here) but I have mostly vacated twitter and am now checking out Hive Social, if you want to follow me along there - I’m monicacomics! Who knows what will happen, all I know is I miss socializing with my comics community, so if there’s anywhere I can find them again, I’ll go there!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #612

Unfortunately I self-identify as a die-hard Libra - all I see are scales needing to be balanced! I didn't choose this life! How about y'all, anyone else look at their zodiac sign and just go "oh, they nailed it -- that's me, alright".

In case you were wondering WHERE THE HELL BONNIE HAS BEEN, she’s actually moved over to my Patreon page, where we’re currently on strip #694! (this strip was originally published there April of 2021) Subscribing at the $2 Level gets you one new strip a week (newer than the ones posted here!) but the $5 Level is where the magic happens - there you get all the latest strips PLUS PDF bundles of all the strips you missed (plus wallpaper, pinups, and more comics!). It’s a great way to get all caught up with Bonnie and the gang - SO MANY ANTICS!