Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #382
/Mimi apparently has SUPER delayed reactions when drunk. This new COLORIFIED Bonnie brought to you by my super special Patreons!
Kickstarter Update! Now we're at 70%! *WEREWOLF ROARS ALL AROUND*
Mimi apparently has SUPER delayed reactions when drunk. This new COLORIFIED Bonnie brought to you by my super special Patreons!
Kickstarter Update! Now we're at 70%! *WEREWOLF ROARS ALL AROUND*
Kickstarter Update! We're almost at 60%, still in week one! And looky - I added an activity page of Slam & Mimi to the coloring book!
If Bonnie gets trashed, WE ALL GET TRASHED!
WOOP WOOP in Kickstarter news, we're almost at 50% funded as we go into Day 3!!
Of course Cheryl's subconscious is ruled by two like minds!
HEY Y'ALL -my Kickstarter is now LIVE!! GAAAHHHH tell your friends, this will be fun!
Hey all! Because of my goof last week thinking I could post my 2nd strip before I jetted off to vacation, there'll be THREE strips this week! AAAAAND the Kickstarter is now LIVE!! GAAAHHHH tell your friends, this will be fun!
Angel Cheryl and Demon Cheryl are preeeeetty much the same thing. So I'm SUPER EXCITED because next week (next Wednesday in fact!) I launch my BONNIE KICKSTARTER! That's right, I'm doing my first ever Kickstarter to get Bonnie out into the world in one big volume! It'll collect the first 324 comic strips, have chapter drawings, and be packed with extras. I'm excited, I'm nervous, you'll come join me when it launches on July 22nd, won't you??
"Do you remember" - pssh. You know Cheryl has some kind of crazy mind map of all the girls Stuart's been in love with. ;)
HEY TOMORRY is the next Bmore Into Comics!! Like going to a bar on a Saturday and reading comics and hanging out with creators? We do too, come join us!
Everyone loves waiting for a text reply and getting cockblocked with another text.
HEY THIS SATURDAY is the next Bmore Into Comics!! Like going to a bar on a Saturday and reading comics and hanging out with creators? We do too, come join us!
For some reason, Bonnie and Slam only have meaningful convo's in dark parking lots like here and here, right? I'm posting THREE Bonnie's this week because I love all of youuuuu! Also, BTW's, the Kickstarter I'm doing for a collected mondo happy fun Bonnie book is a mere couple of weeks away! (July 22nd, AAAAAHHH) So I will be doing a lot of mentioning of it and sweating about it and being SUPER excited to have a giant Bonnie book and sharing it with all of you! Hope you'll join me for the Kickstarter ride! :D:D:D
That's right, since it's the last coupla days of June, here's another IN LIVING COLOR Bonnie, thanks to my generous Patreons! (click here to join the gang, and maybe we can get more than one colorized strip a month!)
*squeek squeek squeek*
Hey North Carolinians! For the first time I will be at HEROES CON this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! Come visit me and tablemate Rafer Roberts in Artist Alley, booth 1105!
I don't think "knockin' boots" is used NEARLY enough anymore. Let's resurge that phrase!
Hey North Carolinians! For the first time I will be at HEROES CON this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! Come visit me and tablemate Rafer Roberts in Artist Alley, booth 1105!
That's a "DIRTY", Lorelei style of course!
If I had a kid, there would be nonstop cape outfits ALLLLL the time.
I posted May's autobio comic on my Patreon page! Thanks to my patrons, hitting my $50/month milestone it means one newwww autobio comic per month! And this one may or may not relate to the fact that I'm supposed to be at Special Edition NYCC this weekend buuuuut may not end up going ...
From the planet Aggressivia!
Heyyy this weekend I'm going to be at YET ANOTHER convention, this time Special Edition New York Comic Con (table H-12)! At Awesome Con last weekend my boots finally fell apart - what GIVES, shoes, we're not even halfway through this book tour! Oh - it's summer and I shouldn't be wearing boots? It's gonna get worse from here on out people .... anyways, come visit!
WHAT - WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?? That's right, here's your very first Bonnie in color, brought to you by my amazing Patreon patrons!! This month we hit my $100 goal which means one color strip per month, wahooooo!
(Also, I FINALLY saw Mad Max this weekend, and think we all need Furiosa shirts)
HEY DC PEEPS - I'll be at Awesomecon this weekend alllll weekend long at table C-18 in Artist Alley, come visit! I'll be doing sketches n' thangs. Actually, I'll probably just be drawing Mad Max all weekend.
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