Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #505

*GASP* Slam's real name IS REVEALED! As many of you know, in derby people have their own individual Derby Names, which many of their friends within derby refer to them by. AND very seldom discover their real names, leading to a fun secret identity that only derby-ers know about. When people ask me if I know so-and-so because she used to skate for Charm City, the league I skated for, it's nearly impossible for me to remember unless they know their derby name. Fun Fact! Derby Mafia for life! 

Will we ever discover Bonnie and Mimi's real names??

P.S. I had a fantastic time at Thought Bubble and then a great time in Dublin. It was really hard coming back, but some of you have sent me kind words of love and hope and I really, really appreciate it. <3

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five

A big huge shoutout to all of you lovely people I met at Thought Bubble this past weekend! Even losing my luggage and being in the same outfit for days and only having a portion of my books for the first day of the con didn't dampen my spirits! (more on that later, probably posted in comic form on my Patreon page!) Because all of you were so delightful to talk to and I love coming to that show. <3  SO NOW my friends and I are on a mini-comics retreat in the lovely Dublin, so here's a sketch of a happy version of What Slam's Family Could Look Like to tide you over till I'm back next week! (and if you want to keep up with my Dublin adventures, check out my Instagrams!)

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #504

Once again, this year I'm lucky to be going to THOUGHT BUBBLE! Shout-out to all my UK readers who will be there, you can find me at Table 80 in the Royal Armouries Hall! I'll have some Bonnie books with me so you can avoid those insane shipping fees and buy it directly from me and my jet-lagged face! Hope to see all of you there this weekend!

(Also, I'll be in Dublin for a bit after the show if anyone has any pubs they want to recommend! I'm a gluten-free weirdo who loves cider and wine. ;) )

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #463

I just can't type "Gam-Gam" without thinking about this gem from Horrible Bosses ... tbh this was the reason I went to see this movie in the first place, even though it and its sequel have become cherished in my heart. I mean, this part alone, also . . .

And I suppose since I'll be at Heroes Con in a few weeks I should announce that commissions are open if you want to pick them up at the show! $35 for pencil, $50 for ink (one figure) $50 for pencil, $75 for ink for more than one figure. I plan on doing them pre-show, but let's be honest - I'll need something to do AT the show too! But if you want to get on the list, hit me up! :D


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #462

After spending a lot of time in hotels, while traveling to various conventions, I can confidently say: No matter when or where you are, The Property Brothers are on. And they're ready to remake the shit out of your house. And I don't think they're human, but aliens in twin suits.

And I supposed since I'll be at Heroes Con in a few weeks I should announce that commissions are open if you want to pick them up at the show! $35 for pencil, $50 for ink (one figure) $50 for pencil, $75 for ink for more than one figure. I plan on doing them pre-show, but let's be honest - I'll need something to do AT the show too! But if you want to get on the list, hit me up! :D


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #386

I like to think I celebrate each and EVERY day like it's Princess Sparkle Pants Day. And SPEAKING OF PRINCESSES, my book Part-Time Princesses has been nominated by YALSA as a Great Graphic Novel for Teens! Super honored. :)

Six days left for the Kickstarter! Already the book is going to be now 200 pages, and will have an 8-page color section! :D EEEEEEE