Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five


Kicking off TEAM WEEK, I present to you the first team drafted with readers: The HAMMERIN' HARPIES!

Led by Captain Hattie Hellfire, the Harpies are all spitfire and brimstone. Their motto is "a little bit of sass goes a long way". Eclectic, creative in their plays, and not above distracting people with crazy, unpredictable moves. Go Harpies!

Congrats to all the teammates! (i.e. those lovely skaters who wrote in to tell me their derby stories)

  • Athena
  • Mashes to Ashes
  • Ada Rock
  • Sally Bowels
  • Bex Ed

Harpies, take a bow!

To drag out the fun, I'm going to release these teams one at a time. So come back tomorrow for the next team!

(For those of you who might be confused, I put a call out for any derby skaters out there to be a part of the comic - all it took was submitting their name/attitude/photo. I took all the submissions and found them a spot on one of Bonnie's league's home teams. These are the results! :) )

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #157


And I only just realized, when looking up the phrase "Klaatu, Barada, Nikto" that it's BARADA, and not VARADA, which is what I always thought when I watched Army of Darkness. Soooo naming her Veronica after Klatu doesn't make much sense. OH WELL! Also, I have no idea if either of these names or any like it are taken by real derby peeps, but you can check out the full derby name database here! In case anyone is curious, I'm down there at the bottom under "Whipstick". :) I'd love to hear if any of you all out there have Game of Thrones or Bruce Campbell inspired ones.