Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #324
/Tyrion Sinister returns! We last saw her in Pizza Town at the coaches meeting - not really one to mess with, Fran!
Tyrion Sinister returns! We last saw her in Pizza Town at the coaches meeting - not really one to mess with, Fran!
I messed around with the dialogue a bit on this one (which I went into on my Patreon page, for all the process nerds out there!) but I think there are a zillion questionable t-shirts that Bonnie would make for people if she could.
You guys remember Violet Punch? She still keeps in touch with Fran, 'cause everyone loves Fran. . . .
Poor Fran.
Fran has only the most obnoxious phone alerts.
Stuart's being paranoid for no good reason - remember how awesome a bartender Bonnie is??
Psst - Check out the Valentine's Day Cards I've added to my shop - including Bonnie and Roller Derby ones!
Psst - Check out the Valentine's Day Cards I've added to my shop - including Bonnie and Roller Derby ones!
Hey local-ites! I'll be at Collectors Corner's Bel Air GRAND OPENING
today from 12 - 2:00! Come by and say hello!
Shout out to Layne I. Hilator, a fellow freshie when I was trying out for my green star, who graciously offered to do this very thing for me. Sadly, that was the one thing that became a constant - bouting/scrimmaging in public = VOMIT. Anyone else out there plagued by this superpower? ;)
Derby pasts are always sordid.
Sirens + Muses, enemies FOREVVVVARRRRR! Because if there's one thing that's important to Bonnie, it's knowing who her rivals are. ;)
To Agro Amelia, or not to Agro Amelia!
Ohhh, the TEAM FEAR.
...And we're back! Happy 2014 everybody, let's get this party started!
Big thanks to you locals who came out for Bmore Into Comics #2 this weekend - you can read the recap here! :)
THIS Saturday is Issue #2 of Bmore Into Comics, wahoo! For those who don't yet know about it, it's a small gathering of local comics creators, exhibiting their work and selling their books in local businesses in and around Baltimore. We started it up last August to great success (which you can read about here). So if you're within driving distance of Baltimore, come on out to the Wind-Up Space from 12:00 - 5:00 this Saturday for some drinks and some comics!
I've added a Donate button over to the sidebar (over on the right, under "Donate to the Comic"), so if you'd like to support the comic in a way OTHER than buying books or any other merch, try this one out! Donate any amount you feel like, and I'll send you the link to get one of these two Bonnie phone wallpapers, as seen here in a screen cap from my phone. :)
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